news |  - Kosuke Ikeda 池田剛介 -

Kosuke Ikeda

essay: “Eureka” September 2010

Date:September 13th, 2010

essay: Toward the Micro-Materialistic Transformation of Umwelt
“Eureka” September 2010, featuring Japanese culture in the tens

related lecture: Perspectives of Human and Animal
9/13, Tokyo University of the Art




関連レクチャー「人間と動物のパースペクティブ」 、9/13 東京藝術大学 取手キャンパス


Extention Lecture Series: “SPECULA”

Date:June 1st, 2010

Extention Lecture Series “SPECULA”
2010. 6 – 2010.1, Tokyo University of the Arts


連続公開シンポジウムシリーズ「SPECULA——21世紀芸術論」 2010.6-2010.1 東京藝術大学 全8回予定



Date:December 12th, 2009

the Present of History=Story: information, arts, characters

panelist: Kosuke Ikeda, Yohei Kurose, Masaya Chiba, Satoshi Hamano

at the former French Embassy, Tokyo

Kosuke Ikeda, Plastic Flux

Date:October 9th, 2009

11:00 – 19:00
Closed on Sundays, Mondays, and National Holidays


opening reception: 10.9(Fri) 17:30-20:00


Date:March 28th, 2009

“Art in Context 2008”

document of the lecture series @ Tokyo University of the Arts in 2008


Date:February 11th, 2009

“Art”@ Boice Planning


Date:January 6th, 2009

Contemporary Situation of Art and Architecture<br>culture magazine Studio Voice

Symposium/Criticism, in the Present

Date:December 28th, 2008

@The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo


Date:December 12th, 2008

Overflowing Image(Kosuke Ikeda, Nairu Kishi) @ con tempo

Symposium/Public and Opened Art

Date:December 3rd, 2008

@camp, Tokyo

(c)Kosuke Ikeda